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Om tbjorn

  • Bursdag 04/07/1987


  • Interesser
    Music, Technology, Automobiles, Reverse engineering Coding, Driving Cars, Engineering The Grand Design Republic of Wadiya Conor Maynard, Dubstep, Karim kamel, Zizo Kambutar, Karmin, Johnny Cash, Najati Al Suloh, Harry Borthen Band, Katy Perry, Wardi,
  • Yrke eller sivil status
    Founder, hellabjorn.com

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tbjorn's Achievements

  1. Hi everyone ! I'm 25 from Trondheim, Lived abroad for many years and moved back to Norway a year ago, taking my driving test soon (Feb.16) I've been driving for over 6 years, but since it had nothing to do with Norway I had to start all over again with obligatory courses from K.M.S traffikkskole (Finished), I took theory test and (Finished) and did my first Driving test and failed ! Reason was my driving wasn't "Safe" enough, didn't break any laws, but speed was a little high while entering roundabouts. I think I did ok, but meh, who cares.. So, do you guys have any tips for my next test? and any common mistakes ?? my teacher went with me through this, but i wanted to know if you guys have any other stuff to look out for ! Also, share your horror stories from your test day in this thread, this shit is funny ! TL;DR; 1-Taking driving test second time, want to pass, tips pls. 2-Share your story.
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