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- Bursdag 12/11/1977
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Does anybody know how to clean up paints on cloth, leather, carpet, plastic, viynle, and metal?? Stakkars
http://showcase.netins.net/web/isuguy/housejump.wmv ja ja, det er noen som sliter med og finne på ting på fritiden...
Takk gud for det tipset.... så hele livet pasere i revy da skjermen min hoppet tilbake til win.... takker igjen....:D :D :D
Hvem har kjørt seg ihjel? Hvordan? Forklar, dette har gått meg hus forbi.....
Bilder fra Gatebil Rudskogen 12-13.juli
emne svarte i frneeb sin vwgolf2 i Bilder og videoer av biler
Kjært barn har mangen navn. Man kan kalle de fleste biler med mange navn. Både europeiske/amrikans/japanske biler har kalle navn som kan virke sårende for eieren. For min egen del blir Mazdaen min kalt "Hiroshima knallert" blandt mine venner. Dette tar jeg meg ikke nær av. Men hadde den blitt kalt et navn som hadde gått på bekostning av min hvite hud/religion/økonomiske status hadde jeg nok blitt litt irritert. Formålet med dette forumet er og dyrke og dele med andre sin bil interresse. Ikke og komme med nedverdigende sleng bemerkninger. Skjønner ikke hvilken hensikt de som absolutt må komme med påstander som " de jobber ikke" osv. Hva faen har det med selve bilen og gjøre?? Det er bilene vi skal konsentrer oss om. Ikke om mora til eieren har svindlet på skatten og katta har mensen.... Ser også på de tidligere innleggene at det er en god del useriøse innlegg. Jeg foreslår at admin tar litt tak i disse og sletter dem fra forumet. De har ingen ting og gjøre her. :mad: -
While the Need For Speed series of sport car racing games from developer/publisher Electronic Arts have always been popular among gamers, the folks at EA decided that for this year’s edition to have the series undergo a rather radical change in direction. The upcoming result is Need For Speed Underground, which takes the series away from the rather pristine racing theme into the highly publicized street racing scene popularized by movies like The Fast and The Furious and games like the Midnight Club series. During last week’s Camp EA press event we got a chance to check out the console and PC versions of NFS: Underground. Even though the game will feature more a more gritty racing theme, that doesn’t mean the Need For Speed series is doing a complete 180. There will still be the attention to real world detail with 20 licensed cars available to race, unlike the Midnight Club series which doesn’t use “real” cars. Since this is street racing, don’t expect Porches or Lamborghinis in this game; the rides in NFS: Underground range from the Ford Focus to the Toyota Celica to cars from manufacturers like Mitsubishi, Subaru and more. Of course, this is supposed to be underground street racing so having a base model ride just won’t cut it on the street, so there will be a ton of ways to customize your ride with parts to have better performance on the inside, such as the engine, brakes and the all important nitrous oxide boost. The outside isn’t being neglected either; there will be a ton of available paint jobs, decals spoilers, bumpers and more for decorative and practical purposes. We asked if there might be a way for PC gamers to put in their own custom decals and our EA rep for the game said it was being considered but that feature might not get into the final version. Besides the overall street racing theme, NFS: Underground has a couple of other differences from its predecessors. One of the biggest is that the development team decided to keep the police out of the game so you won’t have to worry about the cops trying to pull you over this time round. The other major difference is that for the first time in a Need For Speed game there will be an actual storyline interwoven in the single player career mode, with characters and even bosses that the player will have to defeat in races. The game will also have drag racing and circuit racing modes as well as an extra gameplay mode that EA did not wish to reveal just yet. Graphically both the console and PC versions on display at Camp EA were looking pretty slick with some nicely detailed car models and urban environments to drive in. The game also has some nice extra graphical features like realistic looking wet streets and pavements. The game itself is set in one large fictitious city which our EA rep said gave the game’s designers more freedom to make environments they wanted to race in rather than be constricted to a real world city’s streets. Cars will also have damage done to them like scratches and dents in the game. We were told at the event that the PC version is about a couple of weeks behind the console versions in development but the hope is that all versions will be released at around the same time. PC and PS2 gamers will have the opportunity to race up to four players in multiplayer over the Internet. Again, EA’s exclusive online deal with Sony keeps online multiplayer modes away from the Xbox and GameCube versions, although they will have offline multiplayer features of their own. You can expect each version of the game to have graphics optimized to their specific platforms, however. Originally announced for released in early 2004, EA announced at the Camp EA press event that NFS: Underground will now be released sometime this fall, just in time for the highly competitive holiday shopping season for games. Based on our brief time with the PC and console versions of the game, it looks like Need For Speed: Underground will give games like the Midnight Club series a race (hehe) for the money. We hope to have more info about the game in the months leading up to its release.
Bilder fra Gatebil Rudskogen 12-13.juli
emne svarte i frneeb sin vwgolf2 i Bilder og videoer av biler
Kan ikke noen få lagt ut noen video snutter fra helgen da....... sitter og refresher forumet hele tiden, i tilfelle det kommer noen linker...... abusolut ingen ting og gjøre på jobb, så det hadde vært fint med noen filmer fra helgen.. -
Ser rimelig bra ut dette, men jeg tro nok NFS Undergroud blir bedre. ""Maybe the most exciting point of our demo was testing the multiplayer. Like the PS2 and Xbox versions, the PC incarnation of Midnight Club II will support eight players via LAN or Internet, with an in-game matchmaking interface to find available servers to play on. All of the checkpoint races from the career mode are available in multiplayer, and it's possible to just cruise around the city and hang out with other drivers. (The guys from Rockstar tell us they've peeked in on console games were clans were meeting in cruise mode and setting up ad hoc drag races on various streets.) "" http://www.gamespy.com/previews/june03/midnightclubiipc/
Noe så inne i h.....t otalvraka Escort!!!!!!
emne svarte i frneeb sin frneeb i Bilder og videoer av biler
:mad: Ja ja,,,,jeg tenkte bare og poste noen bilder som jeg synes var verdt og dele med andre.....og det er vel hovedformålet med dette media forumet. Dele bilder/video/lyd osv med andre....blir liksom litt demotivert hver gang man legger inn noen ting og noe begynner og diskutere om det er modda eller ikke. akk ja. Jeg synes i alle fall bilene var litt kule jeg.... Så da tror jeg vi avslutter denne tråden med følgende... Denne er så ekte som det kan bli: http://tbk.fameflame.dk/videos/Yellowflag/Nascar_Mark_Thompson_Unknown_track_1995_-_touched_and_rolls_bigtime.mpg :mad: -
Noe så inne i h.....t otalvraka Escort!!!!!!
emne svarte i frneeb sin frneeb i Bilder og videoer av biler
Se Tv4 på søndag 06.07.03 kl 20.30 Del 2 av 8. I polisens kamera är en svensk-brittisk dokumentärserie i åtta delar från 2003. Här visas polisens eget material från Storbritannien och USA, filmat från polisbilar, helikoptrar och kameror placerade ute på vägarna. Poliserna jagar fartdårar och andra galningar i trafiken.
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