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  1. Gode nyheter! Che for få minutter siden: "We'll have an official announcement in the morning. But those of you with force feedback wheels better get ready tonight. :) " Vi har demoen sent i natt eller i morgen tidlig. (kveld borti vestkysten = 8 timer etter oss?)
  2. 15 minutt old news: "Hi everyone. I can't tell you the demo date/time until marketing/PR gives me the go ahead. And I suspect they'll make an announcement very soon (as in, this morning). In the meantime, everyone take a deep breath and go outside. " - Che
  3. Che sa jo dette for 10 timer og 45 minutter siden: "Hey guys, will have good news about the demo by tomorrow morning (basically in the next 12 hours)." En av moderatorne skriver også at vi har den FØR helgen.. og han hinter til at den kommer før ukas pitpass report som kjent er ute på fredager!
  4. Sant. Ting skal ikke se ekte ut her som når man modder biler. Er bare å hive inn Super Mario og sånt og :D
  5. Forskjellen på barn og voksne er prisen på leketøya vet du! :D
  6. Jepp.. jeg digga våroppdateringen, mye bedre layout og lettere og navigere. Mange mener at demoen vil bli sluppet som en del av oppdateringen så demoen skal være på marketplace imminent!
  7. En vanvittig morsom reklamesnutt lost in translation
  8. Det nye nå er han som står og fisker (?) eller no..
  9. Hvis en på rulleski ble irritert over meg som kjører bil på offentlig vei skraper opp bilen min, hadde jeg spontanreagert og bråsvingt så jeg tok han med sida på bilen og sendt han i skauen tvert.
  10. Ok, på tide å bruke photoshop til noe annet enn å modde biler. Photoshoptennis tar utgangspunkt i et opplastet bilde.. så tar en eller annen å laster det ned, og gjør EN(!)forandring på bilde.. (vanligvis legge til et objekt i bilde) og laster det opp igjen, neste person tar da og laster ned det nye bilde og legger til en ting til osv.. Hvor langt kan vi dra det? :P Utgangspunkt:
  11. Ja som sagt, det er farlig å sykle og stå på rulleski i veien. Min oppfordring.. La sykkelen stå! Eller kanskje vi bilister skal begynne å kjøre på sykkelstier?
  12. Final Fantasy Adult Swim edition! Jævlig kult lagd, spesiellt om du kjenner til Final Fantasy spilla.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxRZFb0v5ls
  13. Achievement liste.. + et par ukjente secret achievements.. Flawless Lap - Awarded to the Driver(s) who finish a lap with no time penalty against an opponant Level 1 - Reach Level 1 in Career mode All Time Trials Set - Beat the target time in every Time Trail race All Bronze Arcade - Achieve a Bronze medal in every Arcade Race All Silver Arcade - Achieve a Silver medal in every Arcade Race All Gold Arcade - Achieve a Gold medal in every Arcade Race Flawless Race - Awarded to the driver(s) who finish a race with no time penalty against an opponant Natural - Awarded to the single driver who wins with all assists turned off Hardcore - Awarded to the single driver who wins with full difficulty including no assists Underdog - Awarded to the driver who wins a race with a car in the lowest PI of the field Blowout - Awarded to the criver who wins the rae, beating the rest of the field by a full race section Crushing Victory - Awarded to any driver who finishes the race with a lapped opponent Hard Charger - Awarded to the driver who starts in 8th place and comes in 1st place All Gold (Proving Grounds) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Proving Grounds Race Type Level 10 - Reach Level 10 in Career mode All Gold (Manufacturer Club) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Manufacturer Race Type Level 20 - Reach Level 20 in Career mode All Gold (Amateur Cup) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Amateur Race Type All Gold (Rivalry Face-offs) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Rivalry Race Type Level 30 - Reach Level 30 in Career mode All Gold (Semi-Pro Events) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Semi-Pro Race Type All Gold (Factory-Spec) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Spec Race Type Level 40 - Reach Level 40 in Career mode All Gold (Regional Championship) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Regional Championship All Gold (Professional Series) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Pro Series Race Type All Gold (Endurance) - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career event of the Endurance Race Type Level 50 - Reach Level 50 in Career mode All Gold All Race Types - Achieve a Gold medal in every Career Race Type Car Level 5 - Achieve a car level of 5 in Career mode All Cars from France - Collect all of the cars from France in your Career garage All Cars from Germany - Collect all of the cars from Germany in your Career garage All Cars from Italy - Collect all of the cars from Italy in your Career garage All Cars from Japan - Collect all of the cars from Japan in your Career garage All Cars from Korea - Collect all of the cars from Korea in your Career garage All Cars from Spain - Collect all of the cars from Spain in your Career garage All Cars from Sweden - Collect all of the cars from Sweden in your Career garage All Cars from the United Kingdom - Collect all of the cars from the United Kingdom in your Career garage All Cars from the United States - Collect all of the cars from the United States in your Career garage 1,000,000 Online Credits - Earn 1,000,000 "Online Credits" from Tournaments and Career races Car Broker - Buy or sell 10 cars online in the Auction House Secret Secret Secret Secret
  14. Denne ukens pitpass report: Made in Japan: Import generations I følge denne pit passen burde vi ha demoen til uka.
  15. Mulig dette er gammelt nytt? men jeg fant ikke noe av det på forumet.. A white Porsche crashed in Macedonia, near the city of Struga close to the Albanian border. Update: Locals got injured in the crash, we hope they are ok. Update 2: Driver of the Volkswagen Golf died on the way to the hospital, his wife is at the intensive care in critical condition, with broken ribs and fluid in her lungs. 24 hours after the incident still no statement from Gumball 3000. Update 3: Margarita, passenger of the Golf and wife of Vladimir, died in the hospital today, 10 minutes before her husbands funeral. We are very sad that she passed away from the severe injuries she suffered from the crash two days ago. pressemelding fra Maximillian Cooper Issued by Maximillion Cooper on behalf of The Gumball 3000 Rally - 21.30 / 03 May 2007 Following our earlier release reporting yesterday's accident - As a sign of respect we have decided that this year's Gumball 3000 Rally will not travel any further and will end in Bratislava this evening, May 3rd 2007. As the organisers of the rally we feel that it should be stopped as a mark of respect to Vladimir Cepulyoski who died today after an accident involving one the participating drivers. We are very saddened by what has happened and feel that it would be wrong to continue. On behalf of Gumball 3000, we once again extend our deepest sympathies to his family and we are doing everything we can for them. This is the first time anything like this has happened in 9 years of travelling through over 40 countries with 1000's of drivers and it is with deep regret that I make this announcement. Maximillion Cooper Founder & CEO The Gumball 3000 Group
  16. Mer dame på skitten do bilder please..
  17. Denne her er litt kul.. http://www.break.com/index/phone_sex_operator_prank_call.html
  18. :D David Hasselhoff drita
  19. Haha, derfor du er så treig ja :D
  20. Jeg tok bilde av en småhumbug dass sist jeg var på tur å! Kjekt å ha..
  21. Jeg tror jeg heller hadde driti i et buskas.
  22. Konspirasjonsprogram!
  23. Det hvite trådløse offisielle rattet er å anbefale. Som sikkert en del allerede vet var rattet utviklet i samarbeid med de som lager Forza, nettopp til.. Forza! Jeg har det rattet + bøttestol :D
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