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  1. Tynsetinger og harstadværinger har ikke peiling på snørydding vettu. Vi får bare stole på at bergenseren har rett!:???:
  2. Haha, jeg håper virkelig ikke det! En bil med 3'er feil har INGENTING på veien å gjøre.
  3. Forresten, sliter dere med at spillet fryser endel? Skjer ca en gang daglig her. Funker fint å spille alle andre spill, men Forza 2 fryser. Ofte i loading og i garasjen. Dette blir kanskje min box sin undergang, begynner å bli dritt lei av at det fryser når jeg har det moro.
  4. Men... Hilux med plog? Ser for meg at det blir litt... Ja.. Hvorfor ikke handle traktor med skikkelig brøyteredskap?
  5. Lagde meg politibil i natt :) Ohh, også må jeg vise frem hovedsladdebørsa mi. Har spilt med en som kaller seg "Volvo24216v" eller noe siste par kveldene.. Masse sladdings og moro! Litt stolt siden Porsche politibilen er første ehh "modden" min :D Altfor mye effekt og 4wd, den er såå deilig!
  6. Snøbrøyting i Bergen.. Høres ikke akkurat veldig lukurativt ut...
  7. Heter det seg ikke at en maks kan endre innpress med 7.5mm på hver side da?
  8. Oi! Check this out http://www.audi-sucks.com/2.html :D :D :D :D :D
  9. Hoho, det er en fyr! Her snakker vi et helt forum!
  10. Jeg kan godt være med, har en Suzuki FZ50 som med litt oppmuntring sikkert gir din dieselbørse real konkurranse :) Oh, har jeg nevnt dette forumet? http://www.audi-sucks.com/
  11. Forresten, det finnes en støttegruppe for dere uheldige Audi-eiere. http://www.audi-sucks.com/ "Subject: Audi A6 Thinking How do I start , DON"T BUY a AUDI how that , I have Audi A6 that spends a week a month at dealer , it slowly melting down it is at dealer right now , for 23 visit , keyless start , GPS, Gas Gauge that just drops to empty or floats , sound system just stops playing god help you if you forget about it and it starts and volume is max ,my a/c would put out flesh burning heat started at 110 degrees but after audi service talk to tech support they was able to get it to 180 degrees , 4 times in shop and oh waited long time for audi tech to come so my car spent about 2 month at audi and 2 months in my garage till i got so worry about it catching fire so i park it outside now , but audi said when at my garage that time don't count , so here what sad i had pleasure of meeting a audi rep and after i left my gas gauge drop to empty , my gps went to black screen , and then my sound system next night went out , I will tell you if your thinking about AUDI ,there is nothing close to Customer Care , or any quick response , if you buy one save every piece of paper , record comments , and never ever go home without a loaner and never bring it home till it has been fix or they say it fix , believe me once that 4 rings of H---starts to act up it never fixed" "Subject: HORRIBLE I leased a 2003 Audi A4, brand new. Within the first 6 months, I had to replace the entire engine, the whole transmission and broke down repeatedly due to "wiring" issues, which took 5 times breaking down to fix. I tried to sue Audi, but supposedly the Lemon law doesnt apply to leases. So basically, you pay for the lease and your car could break down 2000 times, and all they have to do is continue to fix it....and never offer you another car. Also, I only received a loaner car about 35% of the time. In the first two years of my lease, my car was in the shop 114 days. I WILL NEVER BUY AN AUDI AGAIN. THE WORST." "Subject: 2005 Audi TT I'm a car enthusiast and have owned several luxery cars. I traded in a 560 SL for my TT and boy do i regret it. 3 new stereos, side panels replaced, top leaks consistently, glove compartment won't stay shut and the iceing on the cake all of my tires had rotted out at 25 thousand miles. In total my car has been in the shope 45 days. How as Audi handled the situation, at best lousy. When i would need a loaner i had to beg for one, and when asked is this normal, the kind of problems i've had and , i would never get a straight answer. But, try making an appoitment and it takes a week to get it in or call Audi customer service and you wait 20 minutes for representative. Never these issues with Mercedes and Lexus, I trade my car in every 3 years and it won't be an Audi. Beware folks." "Subject: A6 I suppose there is some comfort to be had in reading everyone else's problems. As for me, my (soon to be former) '01 A6 has been a nightmare. The final straw came this week when I took it in for service for a rough idle only to find that the cam lifters are shot and it wil cost $6,100 to repair. I'm not spending another dime on this junk. Just clearing the check engine light and trading it in." "Subject: And I Thought It Was Me! I feel your pain and frustration and support you 100%. My trials with Zumbach and AoA started when the TB and VR were issued to replace the lower control arms on the D2 chassis A8. Zumbach flat refused to honor the recall notice and AoA would ONLY agree to pay for one replacement ONLY when in fact there are two replacements necessary. Next trip was a failed tiptronic after having being serviced by the same clowns and of course they accepted no liability. Third disappointment was a failed timing belt and resulting head-job, that 13-months later had to be redone because the prior work was done poorly. As reported to me by an independent engineering and machinist shop, the right head was milled but done incorrectly so that a variance of 1.5mm - 3mm could be detected across the mating surface of the head. Oh, and let me not forget the three headlight switches I've had to replace in as many months! I've since jumped ship and left the Four Rings behind. My suggestion to you; obviously you appreciate sporting performance, luxury, reliability and technical excellence in conjunction with all-wheel drive, correct? I recently test drove Acura's RL and Infiniti's M. The RL won. Best wishses." "Subject: I look at it and I love it, It goes to the shop I hate it! Well I have been battling some of the same things that everyone else has, it sounds like. I live in Fresno, CA there is only one Audi dealer in a 100 mile radius (Michaels Automotive). The car goes into the shop about every 2-3 weeks. I have dealt with things such as: Rusted Engine Coils (2 times), Oil Sensors, O2 Sensors, Trunk Latch, Gas Lid Latch, Electrical Headlight issues, Burning Oil, Window Washer Reservoir Leak, the longer that I sit here and think back the more I think of. The dealer took over 3 days to get the oil changed with an appointment. I contacted Audi in Germany and they sent it over to Audi of America, They sent and investigator out to the dealership to diagnose the car with it was burning oil. They told me that it was normal to burn that much oil. I love the car but I hate the car too. It is a money pit. I want to keep it but I can not live with a car that is in the shop all the time. I want a Q7 but not if this will continue in it too. I think that I am finished with Audi/VW. They are no longer the “Car for the People”." "Subject: you're not the only one I live on Long Island, I've had the same problem with my 2006 S4(the horrible service, bringing them to court,getting blamed with speeding and abusing the car..etc) with my Audi Dealership also (Biener Audi)...I've had my Power steering die 4 times so far, Cd player,my door blades fell off when it got too hot out (this was bought brand new), flickering of the headlights, tools left in my engine bay, i've even got a complementary bottles of power steering fluid of from them, cause they left 4 bottles of it in my car...i was considering moving up to an RS4...but after this i've realized the 2006 S4 models are just horrible and should have been recalled" Noen eksempler... Hvorfor har ikke andre bilmerker et lignende forum? Kan det være fordi.. Audi suger?:ratatatat
  12. Eneste gangen min bmw er sur er når den må ligge bak dvaske dieselbørser med "power"box med en tilhørende sky av svartrøyk.:thanks
  13. Woho! Vi har en event! Si tid og sted, jeg tar med meg kamera og godt humør :D Forresten, jeg har et slepetau med bruddstyrke på 21tonn. Like greit å ta med det og :driving
  14. Jeg foreslår uphill snowbattle mellom biring og hans magiske w123 og en Allroad. Jeg har hatt en s123 selv og kan med hånda på hjertet fastslå at den ikke var noe rå vinterbil selv med hakka rsi.
  15. Ok.. En siste gang.. Ja, jeg kjører e39 523i. Ja, den er ikke veldig sprek. MEN! Jeg skryter ikke på meg at jeg drifter med den! Min bil brukes til butikken, kjøre ved for bæssmor, hente frue på jobb etc! EOD.
  16. Jeg forstår egentlig ikke heeelt hva du mener nå.. Uansett... Hva har motoreffekt i min E39 å si i denne sammenhengen? Jeg bruker den ikke til sånt alikevel Tror for å være helt ærlig ikke at det hadde vært noe suksess med automat og 170ish hk. Virker som at du føler at jeg mener at min E39 er mer egnet til "drifting" enn trådstarter sin. Dette har jeg da aldri sagt! For siste gang, jeg driver ikke med sånt! Kanskje en sladd i ny og ne, men det blir noe helt annet.
  17. Siden min E39 ikke brukes til drifting og råning generelt holder effekten i massevis. E39 er cruisebrakke/milesluker. Hvis folk tar seg nær av det jeg sier, betyr ikke det at jeg har rett? Jeg tror det :)
  18. Jeg har faktisk hjulpet trådstarter, hva har du gjort? Bidratt med _enda_ mer OT. Takk til deg.
  19. Ja, hva sa jeg om grep? Æsj! Hvorfor stoppa du i oppoverbakken? Bare for å være teit mot kompisen din? Misunnelig for at han faktisk har rwd og muligheter for å leke seg litt om vinteren? Måtte dra frem det eneste esset du hadde i ermet? At du har mer grep siden motoren din henger 3m foran forhjula? Jeg måtte bare :D
  20. Jeg liker en utfordring! Kommer man seg ikke opp på første forsøk må man satse hardere! Samme hva man kjører.
  21. 4wd er for kjerringer :titties: :titties: :titties: -Mer drivverkstap :titties: -Høyere forbruk :titties: -Mer grep (æsj) :titties: -Flere bevegelige deler :titties: -Dyrere i innkjøp :titties: -Shit az, jeg kjører phet bil med 4wd og skikkelig ruler vinteren. Vent litt, hvorfor funker ikke quattroen når jeg bremser? Iiiik! :titties:
  22. Jeg trodde Mercedes var den nye pakkisbilen? Btw.. Jeg kjører heller 100% kebabtralle enn en slapp mb med "drifte"skadet pakkistyling. Jeg føler jeg har mitt på det rene da du faktisk var irriterende først. Jeg må si at dette er rett stuk på w202: Edit: Huff, så hjelpsom jeg føler meg! Du kan spørre her: http://www.mercefreaken.com/forum/index.php Tipper du har litt mer hell der. Bare ikke nevn at du "driftet" så tar de deg sikkert seriøst :)
  23. Audi 200. Betyr det at den er dobbelt så bedriten som Audi 100? Isåfall vekker den følelser hos meg.. Vonde følelser :hide
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