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Alt skrevet av Aleksand3r
går den ned uten at du gjør noe? eller går den for fort ned når du skal ha den ned?
funker garasjejekken til biltema? har ikke lyst til at bilen detter ned hnår jeg skifter hjul eller når jeg ligger under. Var den jeg tenkte på: http://www.biltema.no/products/product.asp?iSecId=492&iItemId=82774
Nei, facelift vectra'er har andre.
Kjøpte den av bambo, kostet 650kr.
Vectra 2000 vingen kom idag (endelig) Men skal vente med å montere den til jeg får den lakkert og det skal jeg gjøre når jeg får fangeren og sideskjørta. Har også bestilt sånne øyelokk til bilen Men leveringstiden er på 3-5uker!
Bruce Ballslap...HAHA
Mye av stylingen er kopi
Går det ann å skru fast en forsterker i en metal plate?
emne svarte i Aleksand3r sin Aleksand3r i Bilstereo
Så det er ikke farlig å skru forsterkeren fast i en plate som er jordet? -
har montert forsterkeren Ble mye bedere lyd!
Ok, men hva skal jeg stille "level" på, og hva er den til?
har ikke sub. Jeg har orginal 3-veis 6,5'' i hattehylla og fusion 2-veis frontsett. Hva skal jeg stille den inn på da?
kjøpte blaupunkten :P men hva skal jeg stille den på? Har kobla den på frontsettet og bakhøytallerene.
Går det ann å skru fast en forsterker i en metal plate?
emne svarte i Aleksand3r sin Aleksand3r i Bilstereo
Går ikke det ann? skal skru den fast i en vegg i bagasjerommet. -
Går det ann å skru fast en forsterker i en metal plate?
emne svarte i Aleksand3r sin Aleksand3r i Bilstereo
Tenkte på at da blir den jorda eller noe, tror jeg har lest det ett eller annet sted. -
Går det ann å skru fast en forsterker i en metal plate?
emne svarte i Aleksand3r sin Aleksand3r i Bilstereo
Vet ikke, derfor jeg spurte...hehe -
Går det ann å skru fast en forsterker i en metal plate?
Har kjøpt forsterker og kabler! Blaupunkt THA 480 4-kanaler 1200W Og kabler Det blir koblet ferdig i morgen. Taksten på skadene kom på 2000kr, og har fiksa grillen og lykten. Mangler bare lista på frontfangeren, men skal kjøpe vectra 2000 fanger.
Edit: skulle være til korupsjon
Yo momma's so ugly, when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals." Your mom's so fat she can't even jump to a conclusion. Your mom's so fat, when she dances the band skips. Your mom's so fat, I have to take a bus a train and a cab just to get on her good side. Your mother's so fat, her clothes have stretch marks. Your mother's so fat, she needs a watch on both arms because she covers two time zones. Your mother's so fat, you could slap her butt and ride the waves. Your mother's so fat, she needs a hula hoop to keep her socks up. Your mother's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate. Your mother's so fat, when they used her underwear for bungee jumping, they hit the ground. Your mother's so fat, when she goes to a restaurant she looks at the menu and says, "OK"! Your mom's so fat, when she lays on the beach, people run around yelling, "Free Willie!" Your mom's so big, she plays marbles with planets. Your mom's so fat, her belt size is the equator. Your mom's so fat, she has to buy two airplane tickets. Your mom's so fat, when she turns around they throw her a welcome back party. Your mom's so fat she uses a satellite dish as a diaphragm. Your mom's so fat when she took her dress to the cleaners they told her, "Sorry, we don't do curtains." Your mom's so fat, the back of her neck looks like a pack of franks. Your mom's so fat, she sat on four quarters and made a dollar. Your mom's so big, when the family wants to watch home movies they ask her to wear white. Your mothers so fat, she was baptized at Sea World. Your mothers so fat, people jog around her for exercise. Your mothers so fat, she went to the movies and sat next to everyone. Your mothers so fat, she's on a light diet...as soon as it gets light out she starts eating. Your mothers so big that she sat on a rainbow and got Skittles. Your mothers so fat that when she wore an "X" jacket a helicopter tried to land on her back. Your mothers head is so big, it shows up on radar. Your mothers so fat, when she went to the beach, she was the only one that got a tan. Your mothers so fat your bath tub has stretch marks. Your mothers so fat, when she stepped on the scale it said, "To be continued." Your mothers so fat, she got a run in her jeans. Your mothers so fat, she irons her clothes on the driveway. Your mothers so fat, she sells shade in the summer. Your mothers so fat, she left the house with high-heels and came back with flip-flops. Your mothers so fat, when I got on top of her my ears popped. Your mothers so fat, she influences the tides. Your mothers so fat, when she fell over, she rocked herself to sleep trying to get up again. Your mothers so fat, she was baptized at Marine World. Your mothers so fat, she has her own area code. Your mothers so fat, they got her face on the Crisco can. Your mothers so fat, she stepped on a scale and it said "Sorry, we don't do live stock." Yo mama so fat, were in her right now. Yo mama so ugly, her mom had to tie a steak around her neck to get the dogs to play with her. Yo mama so ugly, when she walks down the street in September, people say "Damn, is it Halloween already?" Yo mama so fat, every time someone say "Kool Aid" she bust through the wall. Yo mama so fat, her legs are like spoiled milk - white & chunky! Yo mama so fat, you have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot to fuck her Yo mama so fat, she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller Yo mama so fat, she broke her leg, and gravy poured out! Yo mama so nasty, I called her for phone sex and she gave me an ear infection. Yo mama so ugly, she went into an hunted house and came out with an application Yo mama so ugly, when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals." Yo mama so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her Yo mama so ugly, the government moved Halloween to her birthday. Yo mama so ugly, that if ugly were bricks she'd have her own projects. Yo mama so ugly, when they took her to the beautician it took 12 hours... for a quote! Yo mama so fat, her nickname is "DAMN" Yo mama so fat, that she needs a sock for each toe Yo mama so fat, she eats Wheat Thicks. Yo mama so slutty, she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch ball! Yo mama so slutty, she could suck a golf ball through six feet of garden hose Yo mama so poor, her face is on the front of a food stamp. Yo mama's like a refrigerator, everyone sticks their meat in her. Yo momma is like a bowling ball she gets three fingers, thrown in the gutter, and comes back for more.
Noen som vet om det går ann å kjøpe mindre dyse til lakkbokser? Sånn at det kommer mindre lakk ut og ikke spruter så bredt.
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