Han skal jo ikkje gjøre noe me den..!!! Les da
Vet ikke om dette har blitt tatt opp før, men innlegg på Boyd's hjemmeside gir kanskje noen pekepinn på hva som vil skje:
::Restoring the 1957 Belvedere::
"The TV crew did go to Tulsa to film the event, but the car was a total loss. It's been submerged in water for 50 years. The metal is gone. Our guy Chris Smith was there and said you could actually put your finger thru the side of the car. No resurrecting that one. What a shame."
"Its a shame that the car was in such bad shape. The body was paper thin in some places and the interior was severly damaged, the rear leaf springs had rusted and broke off. When Dan pulled out the oil dipstick, water poured out. The car must have been submerged in water several times over the last fifty years. For all of us involved, it was an honor to be a part of their history. We did our best to help preserve the car and its contents by being as careful as possible. I hope that the car would be put into a museum and appreciated for what she is, as a piece of Tulsa's wonderful history. Chris"
Museum neste... :-)