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Om Nords

  • Bursdag 05/01/1985


  • Interesser
    Rally, photography, kiteboarding
  • Modell (eks S4)
  • Biltype (eks Audi)
  • Årsmodell (eks 1995)
  • Motor (eks 1.6)
  • Modifikasjoner (eks konfilter, eksos)
    Straight pipe.

Contact Methods

  • Bosted
    Fargo, ND, usa

Nords's Achievements

  1. I got my rally helmet painted like petters old peltor used to be.
  2. be sure to drive even faster so they jump more to get your attention :cab
  3. awesome! I still want to see him and Petter on the podium together.
  4. I added my MSN name. Might be nice to run sentances by someone before I turn my homework in to see if it makes sense :D
  5. i dag, vi se på "Heftig og begeistret" i klassen (med subtitles). *I didn't use any help to write that sentance, how bad is it? :hide
  6. takk the problem now is most threads contain vanskelig words that I don't know yet and aren't similar to english words. So I can only respond to simple threads like that :( Where would i find DVDs with english subtitles? have to have them shipped from norway?
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Route_83 og http://www.answers.com/topic/u-s-route-83 jeg bor i North Dakota (fargo). jeg kjøre ikke us-83, (and I haven't really heard much about it, meaning it's not a popular road to drive on like the autobahn is)
  8. Yup, I know edstrom and race with him every month or so. Artpart is the polish photog who always gets extra pictures of all the polish guys (who I like to race with)
  9. hvordon sier "I thought the sign was in miles per hour" :p
  10. Ive seen a few episodes, it doesn't quite grab me like WRC does. I'm not as interested in cars I probably won't ever be able to drive, much less see in person ;)
  11. yeah, while it is growing here, its teeny. we are saturated with nascar (which i hate). if anyone wants to practice english with me I'd be glad to help with that or anything else.
  12. yeah my last name is Nordlie (name of our farm) when my great great grandpa moved to america he had to change his last name because there were too many Pedersons in MN I think. I'll check out black debbath, I like turbo negro. Do you guys have tv shows like futurama, simpsons, family guy and such dubbed in norsk? I'm sure that will be a good way to learn. Right now it will take me 10 minutes to use online translators and flipping through my ordliste to make sure I'm using the right words and such. I'm not very good at constructing entire sentences besides stuff like Jeg drikker ikke kaffe :X
  13. fire uke. klokken seks, jeg er sover, ha det.
  14. thanks, I should know that, we are learning grammar of å snakke vs snakker. I don't own a subaru, I autocross and rallycross my 95 mazda protege (like a familia over there i think). I have rallied in a few subarus though. 94 Turbo Legacy. That legacy the next year when we crashed really hard because of bad dust at night. It was totalled and he is building a new car for us next year . I forget the year on this gc8 I race with a bunch of polish guys and one of them built a brand new subaru for the last race, I am used to old dirty cars, this one was nice and we finished 8th overall out of 40 cars, 3rd in PGT. (and I'm not polish he gave me that flag as a joke) pictures by http://www.artpart.com I'm the really tall guy in blue So my hobbies are photography (have a digital rebel, canon 50mm 1.8, canon 10-22mm, canon 70-200 f2.8L) Rallying, and now I am learning to kiteboard. I only post on nasioc in off topic or motorsports.
  15. Jeg vil prøver å snakker norsk nå. Jeg bor i Minnesota, og Fargo ND for universitet. :wonder: bah, I don't know how to say anything more complex that
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