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Hello, I´ve no Type 1, but it´s possible to get 8.5 + 9.5 x 17" Type 2. This set is absolutly new. Price will be 1.300,- Euro. What do you think about that? Greetings by Fidrio
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
upppps -
Hello, can you send me some pictures to krokohaselot@freenet.de of you wheels? Greetings Fidrio
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
Hi, what do you think about this BBS wheels? It´s 8.5+10x18". You can buy this set with golden, chrom or Inox screws for 1000 Euro ( +150 Euro for shipping ). Greetings by Fidrio -
Sorry! I noticed your question just now. In what sizes do you want the wheels? ...and what kind of design? :)
Here I want to offer some nice AEZ wheels. This design is not so often to see. Maybe it´s for someone of you ? Some details of this set: 8.5x18" 10x18" 5/112 There are no scratches, they runs absolutly round and are in very well conditions !! I want 1.200 Euro for all wheels ( nearly 9600 Kr ) inclusive shipping to Norge !! Be sure that I will send the wheels in special parcels only for using to transport alloy-wheels ! For more photos of details or any questions please use following krokohaselot@freenet.de Greetings by Fidrio
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
uppps -
I think so :) Well, I will do my very best to find a set like you are looking for ! Greetings by Fidrio
Hi, what do you think about a design like this RH Type "ZW3" ? Greetings by Fidrio
RH ZW1 in 8.5+10x17 !! nearly perfect !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you can get some beautiful RH-Wheels in really shining conditions !! The size is 8.5 x 17" offset 53 (without orig. RH-Adapter) 10 x 17" offset 35 (without orig. RH-Adapter) Other sizes are available, 9 or 9.5 x 17" for example !! Also possible with golden screws or only with chrom or stainless screws. Normaly they will fit all cars with 5 bolt pattern. You only have to use the right Adapters. This Adapters are begining with 20 mm and the biggest one will be 45 mm. For 5/112 you can also use plates with only 5.mm or 10 mm. If you want more informations about this Adaptersystems please take a look to the homepage of http://www.rh-alurad.de/ This set is new polished at the centers and also at the outer rims and they are shining really bright. After this work which was done by a specilised tuner here in Germany the wheels were not used again !! The screws are high-grade-steel with original gold over it. Shipping to Norway will not be a probleme and would not be so expensive. I will take original parcels of the wheels for transporting to you, so the fresh polished wheels can´t get any scratches or damages. I think this set looks better than new :m'm: This set was prooved and they are absolutly round !!! Price should be 13700 NOK incl. shipping and incl. all equipment like bolts, centercaps and Adapters for your car. Greetings by Fidrio
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
Here a picture of our Passat 3B before I´ve painted the wheels in "porsche seal grey" 9x18 and 225/40 10.5x18 and 245/35 It fits perfectly because I didn´t worked at the body !!! Without any problem !! -
Hello Dr Bass ! I´ve a set Gotti/Tramont in 18". In Germany this wheels were offered by MH-Dezent and the Ny-Price was 4800 Euro for this type "MH-100". I´ve to complete the finishing. That means I have to paint or polish the centers and the outer rims because this wheels are some years old. They will look like the wheels at the picture which I´ve driven on my Mercedes SL 500. The wheels which I offer you haven´t so big outer rims. But it´s necessary to know the offset you need ! What do you think about this set? Greetings by Fidrio eMail krokohaselot@freenet.de
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
It will fit 320 clk with 225/40 and 255/35 ! ...and for Opel Omega 5/110: I can buy bolts with variable heads which will make it possible to use 5/112-wheels to fit 5/110-cars. That´s the same principle like 4/98 to 4/100. It´s allowed by german TÜV. Do you know that? -
Yes, that´s to much for this one. :shake What do you think about BBS RS1 in 8x17" with offset 40? The centers are in silver, the centercap is highpolished and the outer rims also. All screws were changed in new BBS chrome. Normaly this wheels will fit BMW E36 or BMW E34 525IX Touring. The price will be for the same conditions like the OZ
What kind of car are you driving ?
Sorry! I´ve forgotten the offset, I´ve supplied it in my offer just now :pray It´s offset 13 for the 8.5 and offset 19 for the 10. I think the price should be 1490 Euro (I think that´s nearly 12000 Kr) and included the shipping to Norge. What do you think ?
Here you can get some beautiful OZ-Wheels in really shining conditions !! The size is 8.5 x 17" offset 13 10 x 17" offset 19 Normaly they will fit BMW 5er but if you have worked at your BMW Typ 3er at the back of the body (only some milimeters) they will fit this one also ! And that looks quite good:smilbmw: This set is new polished at the centers and also at the outer rims and they are shining really bright. After this work which was done by a specilised tuner here in Germany the wheels were not used again !! Shipping to Norway will not be a probleme and would not be so expensive. I will take original parcels of the wheels for transporting to you, so the fresh polished wheels can´t get any scratches or damages. This set was prooved and they are absolutly round !!! If you have anymore questions or if you want more pictures of details please contact me to krokohaselot@freenet.de
spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 Perfect !!
emne svarte i Fidrio sin Fidrio i Felg & Dekk til salgs
Here some more pictures ! -
Spesial felg til Mercedes 9+10.5x18 !! Nearly Perfect !! This set comes from Tyskland and it´s possible to send it to Norge. That are highquality 3-piece wheels produced by MH-Dezent. This set will fit Mercedes-Benz Type CLK ( and many more Typs ) or VW Passat 3B ( I´ve pictures ) in size: Fremfelgene har 9x18" Bakfelgene har 10.5x18" The centers are new painted in "Porsche-Sealgrey-metallic" The outer rims are new high polished and they shines really bright! All screws were new chromed by OZ in hard chrome. Every wheel runs exactly round and you will not find any scratches! Ny pris in 2003: 1.200 Euro per felg ( nearly 9600 Kr I think) I want 2.100 Euro for all wheels ( nearly 17000 Kr ) inclusive shipping to Norge !! Be sure that I will send the wheels in special parcels only for using to transport alloy-wheels ! Greetings by Fidrio
Hello ! I´ve some RH-wheels Type "ZW1" with size 8.5 and 10 x 17. They are absolutly ok ! No scratches or damages or anything else ! This wheels are new high polished, the outer rims and the centers also. The small bolts are also changed, so this set looks really bright. They are 5/112 bolt pattern and you have to use Adapters to fit them on every 5-bolt carbody. You will find more informations for this system at the homepage of http://www.rh-alurad.de. This Adapters will cost 150 Euro extra. For some models you would need some hub centric rings but they doesn´t costs so much. If you want I could by them here in Germany. They costs 20 Euro extra. Feel free to contact me if you need some more informations or if you want pictures of details. Please take the following eMail-Adress: krokohaselot@freenet.de This set has to ship from Germany to Norway and will cost 130 Euro. The price for this four wheels should be 1400 Euro. Your Fidrio
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