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bilen fjusker

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bilen er en 2,3e 1992 modell, automat. Den fjusker, drar ikke i det hele tatt, tar 3 min når jeg starter den når den er kaldt før den fyrer. Har hatt den inn hos møller bil, men de fant ikke noe feil. Anbefalte og bytte eiret i fordeler'n. Noen som har peiling på hva som kan være galt?

Lakkerer i alle farger og nyanser, men helst svart!

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Sliter med samme problem selv.

Har en 2.3 manuell.

Når den er kald (værre jo lengre den har stått i ro), så fjusker den utrolig mye. Høres ut som den går på 2 sylindre, og den eier ikke kraft. Har vel klart å nådd 40 i nedoverbakke..

Når den er varm så sviver den fint, men den fjusker når jeg passerer 4500 rpm (napper og har lite kraft)..


Jeg forstår ikke helt hva du mener med det å lese feilkodene Quattro73.. Trykka på den linken, men forstod ikke så mye.

Trenger jeg noe ekstra utstyr for å sjekke etter feilkode, eller finner jeg alt jeg trenger i bilen / hjemmet?

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Sliter med samme problem selv.

Har en 2.3 manuell.

Når den er kald (værre jo lengre den har stått i ro), så fjusker den utrolig mye. Høres ut som den går på 2 sylindre, og den eier ikke kraft. Har vel klart å nådd 40 i nedoverbakke..

Når den er varm så sviver den fint, men den fjusker når jeg passerer 4500 rpm (napper og har lite kraft)..


Sjekk kaldstartsdysa, eller mer sannsynlig temp.giveren til hjernen.


Jeg forstår ikke helt hva du mener med det å lese feilkodene Quattro73.. Trykka på den linken, men forstod ikke så mye.

Trenger jeg noe ekstra utstyr for å sjekke etter feilkode, eller finner jeg alt jeg trenger i bilen / hjemmet?


Nei, trenger ikke ekstrautstyr, kun en lysdiode og en motstand på ca 680 ohm. Alternativt en lyspære på maks 1,2 watt. Noen biler har pære i "check engine" lyset, disse trenger ikke ekstra lysdiode eller lyspære for å blinke ut kodene.



To initiate the fault code system in the late 1989 Audi 100 and 1990-91 Audi 100, a jumper wire and LED can also be inserted into the fault code connectors under the dash instead of using the fuel pump relay fuse insertion method.




Connect the LED positive terminal (LED's are polarity sensitive) to the top black terminal, and the negative LED terminal to the bottom terminal in the brown connector as shown. Use a jumper wire between the bottom black connector terminal and the same bottom terminal in the brown connector to short for 4 seconds then remove jumper, to initiate the fault codes (ignition key on, with or without the engine running). Check the Bentley Manual for additional information.





As mentioned, with the ignition on or with the engine idling, you activate the fault code system by connecting the jumper wire across the two diagnostic terminals under the dash for four seconds, after removing the jumper, the diagnostic system will then begin the sequence to blink out the fault codes via the instrument panel "Check" Engine light or by flashing the LED connected across the diagnostic connectors. Each fault code consists of four groups of pulses. The sequence for displaying the fault codes is a start sequence of 2.5 seconds with the lamp on, and 2.5 seconds pause with it off.


Then the fault code output follows as a half-second pulse with the LED light on, separated by a half-second pause with the LED light off, with a larger pause of 2.5 seconds between each set of pulses. Example:If no fault codes are stored, code 4444 will be displayed by the Control unit flashing the LED.


For example: Code 2322 (Air Temperature sensor) would be displayed as follows:




The sequence of displayed pulses will repeat until the system is stepped to the next fault code stored (if any) by connecting the jumper wire across the connectors again for 4 seconds. The LED will blink once at 2.5 second intervals to indicate that the last error code has been read. Use a note pad to write down the fault codes as they are displayed and then check for the specific fault code description listed in the section below.


LED "Test Light" Construction, for blinking out fault codes. (1989-91 100) The LED with a series resistor is normally connected across two terminals on the fault code connectors. The LED normally needs a resistor in series to limit the current, most LED's operate with 10-30 milli-amps (0.010 to 0.030 amps).


A 1/4 watt 680 ohm resistor works pretty well but you don't have to use a resistor with exactly 680 ohms. The current that is flowing through the LED test light circuit is calculated as follows: Charging system voltage minus voltage drop across LED, divided by the resistance (14 Volts - 1.2 Volts)/680 = 18.8 milli-amps (0.0188 amps).



Fault codes:


1111 Fuel Injection Control Unit (FICU) or Ignition control unit (ICU) Defective Check vehicle electrical system grounds, Replace control unit if no wiring or +12V supply faults found

1231 (1989-91 Audi 100 only) Transmission speed sender (G68), Signal used by Ignition Control Unit (ICU), check sensor output

2121 Idle switch Switch open ckt, stuck closed Switch defective, mechanical linkage problem, or wiring problem

2122 Engine speed sensor signal missing Signal used by Ignition Control Unit, Open or short circuit, Defective sensor & cables, metal fragments on flywheel teeth,

2123 Full load/full Throttle switch Switch open ckt, stuck closed Switch defective, mechanical linkage problem or wiring problem

2132 1989-91 Audi 100 Only Data Wiring Defective, check wiring (California Vehicles only)

2141 Knock regulator Regulator limit exceeded, Excessive knock, timing is being retarded by maximum amount, Fuel octane too low, Excessive Compression, carbon build up in combustion chamber

2142 Knock sensor Open or short circuit, Defective sensor Check sensor and wiring Symptom: Timing retarded, High fuel consumption, power loss,

2223 Altitude Sensor defective, check sensor output and wiring

2232 Air Flow Meter plate rotary Potentiometer (resistive Sensor) defective, check sensor output and system wiring

2233 Air Flow Sensor Reference voltage

2312 Coolant sensor Open or short circuit, Defective sensor or wiring Symptom: Cold starting difficulties at low temperatures, Poor idle and acceleration during warm up

2341 Oxygen Sensor Control Regulating Limit exceeded

2411 1989-91 Audi 100 only Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve, (California Vehicles only)

4431 Idle Stabilizer Valve (ISV), Signal used by Ignition Control Unit

4444 No Faults have been recorded.

0000 End of Diagnostic Output, code 0000 is signaled by the Check Engine or LED light coming on for 2.5 seconds, and then being off for 2.5 seconds


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