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Hvordan kjøre som en idiot

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  • (especially) when there's traffic behind you, always drive 10-20 MPH
    the posted speed limit
  • When driving at a slower speed, stay in the leftmost lane
  • Never use your turn signal, unless of course you are on the freeway with
    no intention of changing lanes
  • When traveling with pets, make sure they sit on your lap with half their
    hanging out the window, poised to jump out unexpectedly
  • If you own a pickup truck, transport your ugliest family members (the
    the merrier, remember!) in the flatbed and make sure they stare at other
  • Use the top of your car to transport cargo and make sure everything
    is loosely
    tied, if tied at all
  • When carrying large, heavy things on the roof of your car, drive with your
    arm out the window and use your feeble little hand to keep the cargo
    falling off and causing a major traffic disturbance or perhaps an accident
    in personal injury
  • Whenever possible, cut off other drivers and then slow down
  • Remember, you always have the right of way
  • Slow down drastically for every little bump in the road
  • Maintain flex time at work so that you can drive around leisurely when others
    rushing to make it to work on time
  • Whenever you see a police car (even parked), slam on the brakes
    and drive
    15-20 MPH slower than the speed limit for the next half mile
  • While traveling down residential streets, drive 2 MPH and look at all the
    houses and landscaping.  In fact, look everywhere except out
    the front windshield
  • Feel free to give other drivers the middle finger at will. If they do it
    back, wait until
    you get to the next red light, then get out of your car and beat the living
    out of them (in L.A., shoot them)
  • If you have a car phone, use it as much as possible and pay little attention
    to the
    road. If you have no one to call, hold the phone up to your ear and
  • When driving on a busy freeway while using your car phone, erratically vary
    speed between 45 and 85 MPH
  • Swerve into the opposite lanes to avoid hitting dangerous roadside obstacles...
    like styrofoam cups and Twinkie wrappers
  • When using the bank's drive-through teller, wait until you are at
    the window
    before filling out the forms
  • Make sure you have at least one of the following bumper stickers:
    "Don't like my driving? Dial (800) EAT S!!%T"
    "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you"
    "If you don't like my driving, get off the sidewalk"
    "If you can read this, you're too close"
    "Watch my ass, not hers"
    "I'd rather be skiing"
    "I brake for no apparent reason"
    "I drive this way just to tick you off"
  • Get to know your horn.  Use it as often as possible
  • Keep your brake lights blinking by tapping one foot on the brake pedal
    at all times
  • Never use your ashtray. Toss the lit cigarettes out the window onto
    vehicle behind you when you are done with them*
    (* = especially when followed by convertibles and motorcycles)
  • Throw soda cans and food wrappers out the window when driving on highways*
  • Since everyone would like the music you're playing, your car stereo should
    blasting hip hop at approximately one billion dB
  • If you get lost while driving, the best place to stop and get your
    bearings is at a
    green light, preferably when traffic in your lane is congested
  • When driving up a hill, don't downshift
  • When driving down a hill, ride your brakes
  • If for some reason you had to pull over onto the shoulder, wait until an
    car is approaching to ease your way back onto the road.  Drive
    especially slow
    in case the motorist you cut off is a few minutes early to work 
  • Save time.  Brush your hair (and teeth), read your newspaper and have
    while driving to work
  • When at a gas station, don't pull forward to the first available pump.
    This way
    people will have to wait until you are done before they get serviced.
    You should
    also go inside and pay with traveler's checks
  • If you approach a bicyclist on the same side of the road, pass him by leaving
    more than a half inch between him and your side-view mirror
  • Women (and adventurous men) are encouraged to put on their make-up while
  • Adjust your car seat so that the drivers behind you only see the top of your
    and a pair of knuckles on the steering wheel
  • If you see an emergency vehicle traveling in the opposite direction on
    the other
    side of a concrete divider, stop abruptly  and without warning
  • If you drive a yellow construction vehicle, be sure to operate it on major
    during rush hour traffic
  • Make sure that you drive all types of slow or wide vehicles during peak
  • When approaching a merge sign, either accelerate without looking or come
    a full and complete stop
  • If another driver is courteous enough to let you in front of him/her, show
    appreciation by letting the <B>entire world </B>merge in front of
    you, including tractor
    trailers, construction vehicles and farm equipment
  • On multi-laned roads, always drive at the same speed as the vehicle next
    you. Try to "box in" drivers behind you, who are attempting to pass
    referred to by those "in the know" as a rolling road block)
  • If you see a vehicle getting in your lane directly behind you, hit your brake
    pedal. The closer the vehicle, the harder you should press
  • If your vehicle is capable of spinning its tires on dry roads, take advantage
    of this. Make as much noise and black smoke as possible
    (Mustangs and Camaros only)
  • When driving in heavy bumper-to-bumper traffic on clear and dry roads,
    always drive with a space at least 10 car lengths in front of you
  • If another driver honks at you, ignore it, continue to do exactly what you
    are doing. Make sure you give him a dirty look
  • If you get lost in a residential neighborhood and need to turn around, find
    a newly paved or sealed driveway to do so (use front bumper
    to push "annoying" inverted buckets aside)
  • When drivers ahead of you pull over to let emergency vehicles pass,
    accelerate so that they cannot merge back into traffic
  • When driving in a lane that is going to end because of construction, ignore
    all the "LANE CLOSED - MERGE AHEAD" signs. Then wait until the
    last second and cut off the other drivers that had the common sense
    to switch lanes earlier
  • If you miss an exit, don't worry - just cut across six lanes of traffic and
    drive over the divider.  If you really weren't supposed to cross it,
    D.O.T. would have built it out of concrete ramparts instead of just a stone
  • The more expensive of a car you drive, the more you have the right of way
  • The less expensive of a car you drive, the more you have the right of way
  • If you drive a car, you have the right of way
  • If you need to stop to ask for directions, wait until there is a car behind
    you and stop directly in your lane to block traffic. Try to ask directions from
    either a 90 year old local, a deaf person, an illegal alien, or a child.  Make
    small talk
    after thanking them.
  • When picking up a passenger during the early morning or late night in a
    residential neighborhood, stop in front of the house and honk the horn
    repeatedly. Either a series of long honks or in a melody of a song such
    as "Shave and a haircut" is appropriate
  • When pulling into a gas station, drive back and forth over the black cable
    to repeatedly trigger the air compressor that rings the attendant's bell
  • If you have ski racks on your car, leave them on all year round so
    you look like a police car in other cars' rear-view mirrors
  • When parking in a residential neighborhood, always park in the street
    blocking someone else's driveway
  • When parking on a residential street without curbs, always make sure
    that you park with at least two wheels on someone's lawn
  • Always change the radio station, tape, or CD while you are in the
    middle of changing lanes
  • If you are a driving school instructor, make as many appointments
    as possible during peak traffic times. Then inform your students to drive
    real slow and not to worry about the "reckless idiots" on the road
  • After filling your tank and paying at a busy gas station, leave your car
    in front of the pumps while you use the restroom and shop for a refreshing
  • Always save your nose picking for when you're behind the wheel
  • While listening to your favorite song, let other drivers on the road know
    that your listing to your favorite song. The best way to do this is to
    steer the car with your knee, pretend to be holding a pair of drum sticks, and
    start beating away at the steering wheel and rear-view mirror while the
    whole time bobbing your head all over the place
  • If another driver does something stupid to tick you off, get out of your
    car at the next red light and scream at him through his window to get out
    and have his butt kicked (or shot, in LA)
  • Drive until you are at least 130 years old, with no eyesight, hearing,
    reflexes, or pulse
  • When running into a local 24 hour convenience store, leave your 1 year old
    unrestrained infant in the car alone with the ignition running
  • When passing a bicyclist do not, under any circumstance, cross
    the center
    line, even if you are driving down a straight road with no oncoming vehicles
    in sight
  • Keep the driver seat as far back as possible so that you can barely
    the pedals
  • Drive with either heavy boots on your feet or barefoot so that your
    with operating the foot pedals and your control of the vehicle is severely
  • When approaching a bicyclist or parked car in your lane, swerve
    into oncoming traffic to go around it
  • Save money. Don't bother with insurance.  If you get into an accident,
    the other driver's coverage will pay for the damage
  • If you are on vacation and you see any sort of wildlife, stop abruptly
    in your
    lane to take a lot of pictures for the folks back home
  • After you cut off a vehicle, give a "Thanks-for-letting-me-in" wave and nod
    to the other driver
  • When driving home with a pizza, drive with it on your lap. If you
    can't resist,
    eat a piece and drive with your knees
  • When you are driving fast, stick one arm out the window, twist your hand
    back and forth, and pretend to be an airplane as the wind lifts your arm
  • Never adjust your mirrors so that you can see anything. (Or, adjust
    so that you can see your hair and/or clothing)
  • When leaving a fast food drive-thru restaurant, drive into traffic by
    with your knee, as you balance a large Coke between your legs and
    unwrap your hamburger to squeeze ketchup onto it
  • If you are driving a loaded dump truck, never cover the top. Then
    drive as fast as possible to cause a storm of debris to fly out and pelt
    the defenseless traffic behind you*
  • There are NO motor vehicle laws that are applicable to cops. If you are an
    officer of the law, feel free to speed and make illegal U-turns. If traffic
    is exceptionally heavy and you want to make an an illegal turn, flash
    your red lights and go for it
  • When traveling with a pet in the back seat, turn around every 2 minutes
    and make sure little "Pookey" is okay. "How are you doing, Pookey?
    You like the car, Pookey? Who's my little Pookey? Good Pookey!!"
    Meanwhile, drive with one hand on the steering wheel and the other
    reaching behind the seat petting "Pookey's" little ears
  • When approaching a curve in the road, slow down as if the road is ENDING
  • When having another vehicle follow you to where ever you are going
    and a third car merges between you, drive 5 MPH just to make sure
    that your followers (who are 2 cars behind) can see you
  • If you have an automobile newspaper route, don't pull over as you
    down to throw the papers out the window
  • Always drive with your right arm behind the passenger seat
  • Drive with your seat far back enough that a dentist could fill cavities
    while you travel
  • If you are supposed to wear glasses or contacts while driving,
  • Drive with enough boxes and packages in your car so that they
    completely block the side and back windows
  • If the driver behind you is honking and flashing his headlights because
    he is in some sort of an emergency rush, DO NOT succumb to his pressure
    by pulling over to let him pass
  • When coming home from work the evening before a holiday, always
    drive like a maniac to increase your chances of getting into an
    If you do get into an accident, try to take as many other vehicles with you
    as possible to jam up traffic with people who want to get home early.
    Try to snarl traffic in the opposite lanes, too, with rubbernecking delays
  • When driving around curves, always drive over the center line
    and into
    the oncoming traffic lane
  • Drive as quickly as possible through parking lots.  Pass any open spot
    by at least four car lengths before backing up to claim it. Disregard
    angry mob that has formed behind you
  • Always set the alarm to its most sensitive setting before leaving your car
    in a parking garage
  • If you are over 6'6" tall, weigh more than 250 pounds, and have no
    problems kicking anyone's butt, adjust your seat height and back so
    that only your head shows over the steering wheel and drive like a moron.
    Then ,when other drivers challenge you to a fight because they think that
    you're a shrimp, get out and beat them to a pulp!
    (or shoot them, in LA)


1994 Mazda Mx-3 1,8 V6

x 1998 Ford Fiesta Flair (R.I.P)

x Aprilia RS 50


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Originally posted by TommyTott
  • If you are over 6'6" tall, weigh more than 250 pounds, and have no
    problems kicking anyone's butt, adjust your seat height and back so
    that only your head shows over the steering wheel and drive like a moron.
    Then ,when other drivers challenge you to a fight because they think that
    you're a shrimp, get out and beat them to a pulp!
    (or shoot them, in LA)



- Ford focus 2000

- Vespa 50 special 79

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you see a vehicle getting in your lane directly behind you, hit your brake

pedal. The closer the vehicle, the harder you should press

thumpsup :usa:

* Volvo 242,355chevy v8,prosjekt,80mod++

* Volvo S60T5 ®,02mod, bruksbil

X Vovlo 240TIC, 83 mod, B230FT, 405topp++

Kadett V8 morro prosjekt. 350 smallblock. kamerat og jeg som hadde lite å finne på :D

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Originally posted by TommyTott
  • If the driver behind you is honking and flashing his headlights because
    he is in some sort of an emergency rush, DO NOT succumb to his pressure
    by pulling over to let him pass


dette sa kjørelærern min at jeg skulle gjøre, ta det rolig ikke bry deg om andre kjører fort eller tuter....

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