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Fra side 12:

Hello again

I am the mother of Jesse,the little guy in holland,and I am reading this forum everyday,and I can't get over the fact that all of you are writing on it.

I have seen so many different countries passing by, I am truelie speechless. When Jesse will no longer be with us,I will think of this all with such warm feelings. Who can say that when they die,They heve touched people all over the world without even seeing them? Jesse made this all come true,so you can say that he has lived life to its fullest. This all has made such an impact on our lifes,it has shown us (and lots of others) the goodness of man-kind.It has restort my fait in this world,things aren't so bad as they sometimes seem. Jesse is a very loving warm person,with a big heart,dark brown eyes that looks at you,and somehow he touches your heart. This is not my saying,but people over here say that. I only wish that the world leaders would do the same,bring people of all natures(different cars hahaha) together. I am so very proud of being the mother of Jesse. (and ofcourse of my other 2 sons marvin and keanu)

again thank you all for your support. A lot of subaru owners are reading this forum too,and they are really deeply touched about it. (forgive me if I write some words wrong)

Love and best wishes for all of you all over the world. This is amazing!!!!

love ya micaela

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Jon [Elmer Fudpucker] or anyone here at the event.


Does any of you have Jesse's home address, and the person who spearheaded that event? Y'all can reach me at e-mail addy in my profile or "hypov at iace dot com".


Briefly, Subaru of America have learned about the thoughtful and touching event and wishes to get in touch with Jesse and the organizer.


Tror ikke Jesse blir fri for Subaru-stæsj med det første :D


Jeg sendte mail til pssc@sportmedia.no a.k.a. Petter Solberg Supporters Club for å høre om de har fått med seg dette, og om de kunne tenke seg å bidra med noe til Jesse.

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Dette er utrolig bra, og de som møtte opp for å støtte en liten gutt som er dømt til et liv i rullestol, fortjener mye respekt. Det er gripende å se\lese hva en, i utgangspunktet, liten anstrengelse kan gjøre for en person.


Flott å få en påminnelse om at det finnes mange mennesker med et godt hjerte her i verden. Gutten fikk nok en dag han aldri vil glemme.

- '11 Lexus CT 200h
- '99 Lexus IS220 Sport[sOLGT]
- '99 Lexus IS200 Sport[sOLGT]
- '84 Toyota Corolla [Kondemnert]

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